Playlist for Program #2101

(scheduled airdate 3/Jan/21)

2101.1: artist song title album title label year length
Pitch Black Unadrumma (Downtown Brown Remix) Chillicious Waveform 2006 6:00
Big Muff Poppy's Song Music From the Aural Exciter Snapt 1998 5:09
Stryke Ain't No Sunshine Hi-Fidelity Dub Sessions Volume Three Guidance 2000 5:42
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2101.2: artist song title album title label year length
Anoushka Shankar Sinister Grains Rise  (featured release) Angel 2005 5:55
Michael Halcyon vs. T. Lemmo The Emptyness that Contains Everything Oscillations Halcyon 1998 5:50
Son Kite On Air (Midival Punditz Remix) Natural Born Chillers AlephZero 2003 6:12
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2101.3: artist song title album title label year length
Grey Area Long Distance And Then the Clouds Waveform 2002 6:00
Cirrus Minor Zulu From Here to Tranquility Vol.2 Silent 1993 6:18
Nooten & Brook Searching Sleeps With the Fishes 4AD 1987 3:20
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2101.4: artist song title album title label year length
Anoushka Shankar Ancient Love Rise  (featured release) Angel 2005 10:48
Robert Schröeder Brain Voyager Brain Voyager Racket 1985 5:10
Human Mesh Dance Infinity Mindflower Instinct 1994 5:33
Massive Attack Mezzanine Mezzanine Virgin 1998 5:53
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2101.5: artist song title album title label year length
Phutureprimitive Spanish Fly Sub Conscious Waveform 2004 9:52
Tom Ross Blue Drones Electronic Dance Tunes Tom Ross 2004 5:14
Audioasis Sigh of the Zephyr Audioasis Buy 14Me 1995 16:23
#2101 end