Playlist for Program #9203

(first scheduled airdate 18/Apr/99)

9203.1: artist song title album title label year length
Roots Manuva Juggle Tings Proper (instrumental) Juggle Tings Proper (EP) Ninja Tune 1999 5:02
Ras Command Interlude No.1 (ceemix) Serious Smokers Waveform 2000 3:29
Photek Modus Operandi Modus Operandi Astralwerks 1997 6:36
Pelican Daughters (portion) Pendulum Bliss Silent 1994 5:00
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9203.2: artist song title album title label year length
Richard Bone Dragneta, My Love Coxa (featured release) Quirkworks 1999 5:18
Twilight Circus Sound System Dance Horsie M Records 1999 5:04
Adelphi Jah Weybridge Earthjuice Waveform 1998 7:15
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9203.3: artist song title album title label year length
O Yuki Conjugate Insect Dance Twilight Earth Timebass 1994 6:07
Urchin Nile Rose Urchin Waveform 1999 8:05
Simulacra Starsremixed FreakBackLoop (EP) unreleased 1999 6:22
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9203.4: artist song title album title label year length
Richard Bone Playa Six Coxa (featured release) Quirkworks 1999 5:39
World Standard Hollyville Train Country Gazette Asphodel 1997 4:42
Nåid Blastjarnan Nåid Beverage 1995 7:26
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9203.5: artist song title album title label year length
Fumio Time Travel Star Biwa 1991 4:55
Stephen Bacchus On the Shores of Panthalassa Pangaea Oasis 1991 8:40
Sky On the Shores of the High Priestess Slumberland Waveform 1997 14:39
#9203 end