Playlist for Program #9106

(first scheduled airdate 7/Feb/99)

9106.1: artist song title album title label year length
Cee Mix Slippin' Low Flying Fragments Incoming! 1997 5:43
Pre Fade Listening Jazzy Jim Way Back Home Different Drummer 1998 5:47
Urchin Shitewrecked Urchin Waveform 1999 7:56
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9106.2: artist song title album title label year length
Waldeck Dreaming Hi-Fidelity Dub Sessions – Chapter One (featured release) Guidance 1998 6:29
Brains Unchained Fiend of Dope Island Son of Bastard Tracks Different Drummer 1998 6:18
MLF Gaia Colorlift Barramundi – An Introduction To A Cooler World Astralwerks 1996 5:46
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9106.3: artist song title album title label year length
Kerry Moy Ming Dynasty East West Noteworthy 1997 7:56
Phreaky Blob Feed Your Head Volume 2 Mammoth 1995 5:43
A Produce The Golden Needle Slumberland Waveform 1997 7:03
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9106.4: artist song title album title label year length
Uptight Productions Get Uptight Man Hi-Fidelity Dub Sessions – Chapter One (featured release) Guidance 1998 6:12
Steve Roach Seeking Dreaming… Now, Then: A Retrospective 1982-1997 Celestial Harmonies 1998 5:15
Torch Song Shine on Me Aurora Mix Toward the Unknown Region N Gram 1995 8:06
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9106.5: artist song title album title label year length
Klaus Schulze Totem The Essential 72-93 Caroline 1994 6:18
Gabrielle Roth & the Mirrors Spirit Waves Raven 1991 7:23
Beach Flea F for Fake Frosty Waveform 1996 12:30
#9106 end