Playlist for Program #2124

(scheduled airdate 13/Jun/21)

2124.1: artist song title album title label year length
Tom Middleton Astral Projection Lifetracks Six Degrees 2007 4:34
Pitch Black Transient Transmission (fig 2) Rude Mechanicals Dubmission 2007 5:39
Chris Zippel Around, Arrived Genuine Horizon Elektrolux 2007 7:09
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2124.2: artist song title album title label year length
Shaman's Dream Music Prayers For the Path Six Degrees of Ambient India  (featured release) Six Degrees 2009 6:33
Resonant Drift Beneath Strange Fire The Call Resonant Drift 2009 7:34
3 Wise Monkeys It's Gonna Rain Natural Born Chillers 2 Aleph Zero 2009 6:03
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2124.3: artist song title album title label year length
Flooting Grooves Across the Threshold Waveform Transmissions – Volume One Waveform 2007 7:32
Mind Soup Copal Love Songs For Gifted Children Vernissage 2007 5:42
Liquid Stranger Doncamatic The Invisible Conquest Interchill 2007 5:41
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2124.4: artist song title album title label year length
Bombay Dub Orchestra Rare Earth (TFOT Remix) Six Degrees of Ambient India  (featured release) Six Degrees 2009 8:28
SeventhSwami Praise and War Ship (Genji Remix) Here For Now Muti Music 2009 5:46
Pre Fade Listening Paralyse Dub Way Back Home Different Drummer 1998 6:20
Heyoka Whomp Gland Mashup Gate Code Muti Music 2009 5:44
– end of set –
2124.5: artist song title album title label year length
zerO One lifEfOrcE ozOne Waveform 2007 6:35
Asura Galaxies Part Two Life² Ultimae 2007 10:33
Cobblestone Jazz India in Me 23 Seconds !K7 2007 13:39
#2124 end