Playlist for Program #2033

(scheduled airdate 16/Aug/20)

2033.1: artist song title album title label year length
Hoopy Frood Haze Psychonaut Ambo World 2004 3:25
Bluetech Prayers for Rain (J. Viewz Remix) Elementary Particles (EP) Native State 2004 4:49
Aes Dana Exposure (Aes Dana Mix) Memory Shell Ultimae 2004 6:28
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2033.2: artist song title album title label year length
Cell vs. Kalifrogz Hawaii Transit (Ocean Board Remix) Chilling Goddess  (featured release) Peak 2005 6:50
Kaya Project Slide Walking Through Interchill 2004 5:58
Momma Gravy Thai Skiing Adios Different Drummer 2004 5:32
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2033.3: artist song title album title label year length
Lucia Hwong Generic Actress #3 Slumberland Waveform 1997 4:25
Adham Shaikh Infusion (Bombay Mix) Fusion Sonic Turtle 2004 9:01
DJ Cam Mad Blunted Jazz Mad Blunted Jazz Shadow 1996 5:07
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2033.4: artist song title album title label year length
The Peaking Goddess Collective You Are One (featuring Alex Grey) Chilling Goddess  (featured release) Peak 2005 6:56
The Itch Incident Soother Chillicious Waveform 2006 5:20
R.O.U.D.O.S. Know Some Things Chillicious Waveform 2006 7:56
Aural Float Dub Up the Virus Dub Backups.One Elektrolux 1997 7:07
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2033.5: artist song title album title label year length
Sounds From the Ground Over There Kin Waveform 1996 7:22
The Winston Giles Orchestra The Banished Matadors Soundtracks for Sunrise Playup 2004 3:03
Gino D'Auri Mezquita aka Granidinas Nuevos Caminos Skyline 1982 10:19
Akumu Chimera Akumu Spider 2000 9:49
#2033 end