Playlist for Program #1311

(scheduled airdate 17/Mar/13)

1311.1: artist song title album title label year length
LR-60 & Mr. Moods Psychedelic Scheme Ultraviolence LR-60 & Mr. Moods 2009 5:10
Richard Bone Somaia Arafa The Ghosts of Hanton Village Quirkworks 2009 5:36
Deborah Martin – Erik Wøllo The Thunder & the Water Between Worlds Spotted Peccary 2009 6:09
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1311.2: artist song title album title label year length
Pia Silvi Imaginary Cossacks Virtually Handsewn   (featured release) 2008 4:07
Warp Technique Nightbreak Make Animals Happy Dubmission 2008 9:51
Carmen Rizzo Not Enough Ornament of an Imposter Electrofone 2008 4:08
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1311.3: artist song title album title label year length
Sounds From the Ground Dune Brightwhitelight Waveform 2008 6:53
Pitch Black Transient Transmission (fig2) Rude Mechanicals Dubmission 2007 5:32
Snakestyle My Angel Snakestyle Millennium 2007 6:28
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1311.4: artist song title album title label year length
Pia Silvi I Scared Virtually Handsewn   (featured release) 2008 7:29
Nacho Sotomayor After the Rain Interior Absolut Ambient 2007 5:26
Fragile State Undercurrent (Alucidnation downtempo remix) Eco Zen 2 One World 2008 8:09
Tabula Rasa Sunset at the Cafe Del Mar Ibiza Afterhours Moonshine 1994 6:53
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1311.5: artist song title album title label year length
Third Ear Audio Up in Smoke Waveform Transmissions – Volume Two Waveform 2009 6:56
Magic Sound Fabric Heaven’s Coming Soon Observer Spiralight 2009 5:03
Makyo Jasmine Portal of Perceptions Celestial Dragon 2005 10:42
Idiom Creek (portion) Ambient Odysseus Sweet-Time-Girl Samplistic Media 2009 7:18
#1311 end