Playlist for Program #0210

(first scheduled airdate 10/Mar/02)

0210.1: artist song title album title label year length
Euphoria Little Gem (Garry Hughes Pink Panther Remix) Recline Six Degrees 2002 5:33
Solea Amphibia Floating Glassy Raft Stratosphear No Bones 1999 7:10
Dead Can Dance The Spiders Strategem Into the Labyrinth 4AD 1993 6:37
– end of set –
0210.2: artist song title album title label year length
The Sushi Club Nichi-Yobi Neo Sashimi  (featured release) Elektrolux 2000 5:30
Bjorn Fogelberg Quite Derivative Karoshi Porn NinetySix Sounds 1999 6:54
Phreaky Blob Feed Your Head Volume 2 Mammoth 1995 5:59
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0210.3: artist song title album title label year length
Slowdeck Ill World Multiple Offenses Waveform 2002 8:20
Jestofunk Fluid Love in a Black Dimension Irma 1994 6:30
Karma Sutra Robbery of Vibrations Prana DivaNation 2001 6:44
– end of set –
0210.4: artist song title album title label year length
The Sushi Club Neo Tokyo Neo Sashimi  (featured release) Elektrolux 2000 5:20
Mystical Sun Blue Magnetic Ocean Blue Magnetic Ocean (single) Solarworld 2001 7:30
Saafi Brothers Altered Future Midnight’s Children Blue Room 2000 5:37
– end of set –
0210.5: artist song title album title label year length
Skin to Skin Temenos II Temenos Waveform 2002 5:46
Alpha Wave Movement Gaia's Heartbeat Concept of Motion Groove Unltd. 1998 7:36
Christopher Franke (portion) Purple Waves The London Concert Sonic Images 1992 14:06
#0210 end