Playlist for Program #0110

(first scheduled airdate11/Mar/01)

0110.1: artist song title album title label year length
Tosca Annanas.G-Corporation Dub Suzuki in Dub G-Stone 2000 4:44
Bob Holroyd On the Forest Floor Fluidity & Structure BHCD 1993 4:48
A Produce The Golden Needle Slumberland Waveform 1997 6:40
Biosphere Startoucher Patashnik R&S 1994 5:02
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0110.2: artist song title album title label year length
True Frequencies, ATOI New Indigenous Religion, Devotion (extract…) Fahrenheit Project Part One  (featured release) Infinium 2001 5:12
Cerrone In the Smoke Supernature Pure 1977 5:16
Blue Planet Full Moon Peace for Kabul Blue Flame 1997 7:43
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0110.3: artist song title album title label year length
zerO One Module protOtype2 Waveform 2000 6:32
David Holmes Coming Home to the Sun This Films Crap Lets Slash the Seats 1500 Records 1995 7:40
Astralasia Genesis – The Spark of Life Ambient Extractions C&S 1995 6:57
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0110.4: artist song title album title label year length
ATOI, Jaia Devotion (intro), l'ivresse des profondeurs Fahrenheit Project part One  (featured release) Infinium 2001 7:25
Troublemakers Chez Rober Boite' Funk Doubts & Convictions Guidance 2000 6:44
2 Lone Swordsmen Sticky Stay Down Matador 1998 6:16
– end of set –
0110.5: artist song title album title label year length
Tuu One Thousand Years One Thousand Years Waveform 2001 7:59
James Asher Atlantean Chant Feet in the Soil 2 New Earth 1996 6:30
23 Degrees Going Fast (Trail Mix) Born of Earth's Torments Silent 1995 9:19
#0110 end