Playlist for Program #0042

(first scheduled airdate 15/Oct/00)

0042.1: artist song title album title label year length
Medicine Drum Minaret Talking Stick CyberOctave 1999 8:00
David Parsons Gurla Mandhata Parikrama Celestial Harmonies 2000 6:56
Moby Whispering Wind Earth Dance 2000 CyberOctave 2000 5:53
– end of set –
0042.2: artist song title album title label year length
zerO One pOssibilities protOtype2  (featured release) Waveform 2000 5:58
Stephan Baer Manju Islands of the Orient Talking Drum 1999 6:02
Sunset Eclipse Floating Ambient Northern Lights Volume II Just Create 2000 3:19
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0042.3: artist song title album title label year length
Carl Weingarten Illumina Suite Blue Faith Multiphase 2000 7:10
The Starseeds Gobi Underwater There is Enough for Everyone Millenium 2000 6:55
M-Path The Longing Meeting Rivers Triloka 2000 6:19
– end of set –
0042.4: artist song title album title label year length
zerO One TwO (oogie eeha) protOtype2  (featured release) Waveform 2000 5:53
Rodach Music for Fish Music for Fish Traumton 1995 6:56
Loreena McKennitt Dante's Prayer The Book of Secrets Warner Brothers 1997 7:10
– end of set –
0042.5: artist song title album title label year length
Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke Shadow Magnet Duality 4AD 1998 7:40
Jon Denzene/The Torrent Moulia (The Uneasy Darkness) Mist on the Gypsy Moon Nimzhead Rush Audio 1999 5:10
Richard Wahnfried (portion) Druck Slumberland Episode Two : Awake & Dreaming Waveform 2000 15:35
#0042 end