Playlist for Program #8101

(first scheduled airdate 4/Jan/98)

8101.1: artist song title album title label year length
Voodoo Warriors of Love Sweat Em:t 0094 Instinct 1994 8:26
Audio Active & Laraji Laraajingle The Way Out is the Way In All Saints 1995 4:08
Loop Guru Sussan 9 Duniya Waveform 1995 5:14
– end of set –
8101.2: artist song title album title label year length
James Asher Heathaze Feet in the Soil  (featured release) New Earth 1996 5:43
No Man Angeldust Ambient Extractions (Volume 2) C&S 1996 9:06
William Orbit A Touch of the Night Strange Cargo III IRS 1993 4:55
– end of set –
8101.3: artist song title album title label year length
Constance Demby Mother of the World Set Free Hearts of Space 1989 5:23
Sounds From the Ground Triangle Kin Waveform 1996 10:03
Brian Eno 2/1 Ambient 1/Music For Airports Editions EG 1978 8:27
– end of set –
8101.4: artist song title album title label year length
James Asher Earthsong Feet in the Soil  (featured release) New Earth 1996 5:55
John Huling Breath of the Mountain Spiritlands Novox 1994 6:02
Native Ground Dreamwalker One Fine Mama Raven 1993 4:26
– end of set –
8101.5: artist song title album title label year length
Hemisphere Samadhi Slumberland Waveform 1997 8:28
Stephen Bacchus On the Shores of Panthalassa Pangaea Oasis 1991 5:40
Deuter Point Reyes San Kuckuck 1988 10:46
#8101 end