Playlist for Program #7105

(first scheduled airdate 2/Feb/97)

7105.1: artist song title album title label year length
Hemisphere Samadhi Beyond the Darkness Cue 1996 8:30
Voice of Eye Drifting Vespers Cyclotron 1994 8:28
A Produce Inscape & Landscape Inscape & Landscape Trance Port 1996 5:09
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7105.2: artist song title album title label year length
Nightmares on Wax Nights Interlude The Future Sound of Jazz  (featured release) Instinct 1996 4:30
Om Visiting Earth Earth Awakening Alchemical 1989 6:20
Barbara Borden And the Trees Beauty in the Beat Cloud 9 Music 1996 4:50
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7105.3: artist song title album title label year length
David Brunn Crater Lake Themes of Dreams Tonewheel 1997 3:10
Bob Holroyd Crusts of Dust Stages BHCD 1996 9:30
Higher Intelligence Agency Skank Freefloater Waveform 1996 9:34
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7105.4: artist song title album title label year length
Sven Van Hees Tabla Rasa The Future Sound of Jazz  (featured release) Instinct 1996 6:59
A Man Called Adam So You Say (live) Frosty Waveform 1996 5:50
Candy Dulfer Lily Was Here (DNA Remix) Saxuality Arista 1990 4:26
– end of set –
7105.5: artist song title album title label year length
Omicron A Thousand Dyes on the Moist Earth Acrocosm Instinct 1994 6:20
Gabrielle Roth & the Mirrors Rest Your Tears Here Tongues Raven 1995 5:15
Robert Powell Gus and Brenda Desert Beach Blue Yonder 1997 8:30
Robert Schröeder Time Machine Paradise Racket 1984 8:51
#7105 end