Playlist for Program #0238

(first scheduled airdate 22/Sep/02)

0238.1: artist song title album title label year length
Blue Planet Full Moon Peace for Kabul Blue Flame 1997 7:30
Vangelis The Will of the Wind Direct Arista 1988 4:32
Michael Brook Lakbossa Live at the Aquarium 4AD 1992 6:09
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0238.2: artist song title album title label year length
Moby Great Escape 18   (featured release) V2 2002 2:04
Earth to Infinity Morphic Fields Earth to Infinity Silent 1994 9:21
Bob Holroyd In an Angel's Footstep Fluidity & Structure BHCD 1993 5:38
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0238.3: artist song title album title label year length
Omnimotion Omnidub Omnimotion Waveform 2002 5:30
Solid Doctor Lights on the Vibe A Taste of Pork Quango 1995 7:34
John Martyn I Don't Wanna Know No Little Boy Mesa 1993 4:26
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0238.4: artist song title album title label year length
Moby 18 18   (featured release) V2 2002 4:20
Obiman On the Rocks Ibiza Afterhours Moonshine 1994 6:10
Autocreation Dark Smile Mettle Inter-Modo 1994 8:36
P.R.O.M. Hypnotized Earthjuice Waveform 1998 7:02
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0238.5: artist song title album title label year length
Fumio Water Dance Mai Healing Dance Biwa 1993 6:36
Steve Roach & Byron Metcalf Shedding the Skin The Serpent's Lair Projekt 2000 5:32
David Hykes & the Harmonic Choir Harmonic Relation Harmonic Meetings Celestial Harmonies 1986 5:24
Agni Manchapuchari Himalayan Sunrise Clairty Sound & Light 2002 11:56
#0238 end