Playlist for Program #0439

(first scheduled airdate 26/Sep/04)

0439.1: artist song title album title label year length
Sambodhi Prem Zen, Light and Silence Mirror of the Sun Tao Music 1991 2:25
Sonic Fusions Heartbeats Chiller Waves AP 2002 6:00
Lost at Last Radhe Jaya Jaya Lost at Last Windham Hill 2001 7:18
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0439.2: artist song title album title label year length
Phutureprimitive Darkness Sub Conscious  (featured release) Waveform 2004 7:20
Chalifour Driving Dream Technautoroute 2004 6:00
Hemisphere Psychedelic Friends Create (excerpt) Inversion Groove Unltd. 2000 4:00
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0439.3: artist song title album title label year length
Radar Running Away Nothing is Real Anything Goze 2002 4:58
Chorus of Tribes Rain Song Myth Etherean 1998 7:08
David Holmes Coming Home to the Sun This Films Crap Lets Slash the Seats 1500 Records 1995 7:44
– end of set –
0439.4: artist song title album title label year length
Phutureprimitive Rites of Passage Sub Conscious  (featured release) Waveform 2004 11:08
Joint Intelligence Committee Ed Wood Grow Bogus Focus 2002 8:25
Miro Emotions of Paradis Cafe Del Mar – Ibiza Volumen Tres Output 1996 7:55
– end of set –
0439.5: artist song title album title label year length
Solea Amphibia Into the Hollow Stearn Say “Infected” No Bones 2001 5:57
Moby The Rain Falls and the Sky Shudders Move (EP) Elektra 1993 6:00
Martin Böttcher Auf Engel Schiebt Man Nicht The Score Jubilee 2004 6:03
Ian Boddy Nucleotide Chiasmata DIN 2004 11:57
#0439 end