Playlist for Program #0717

(scheduled airdate 29/Apr/07)

0717.1: artist song title album title label year length
Prem Joshua Mangalam (Chillums at Dawn Remix) by Sean Dinsmore Dakini Lounge White Swan 2003 5:50
Alex Gopher Est-ce Une Gopher Party Baby Ext-ce Une Gopher Party Baby (EP) Solid 1998 5:52
Ryuchi Sakamoto +Pantonal Chasm KAB 2005 3:58
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0717.2: artist song title album title label year length
Thievery Corporation Doors of Perception The Cosmic Game   (featured release) ESL 2005 3:10
Craig Armstrong Starless II As if to Nothing Melankolic 2002 4:20
Global Communication Gamma Phase Pentamerous Metamorphosis Dedicated 1998 11:50
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0717.3: artist song title album title label year length
Doof Baba, We Love Dub So Earthjuice Waveform 1998 9:14
Karunesh A Journey to India Secrets of Life Oreade 2002 5:07
Air Dark Messages The Virgin Suicides White Swan 2000 2:27
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0717.4: artist song title album title label year length
Thievery Corporation Satyam Shivam Sundaram The Cosmic Game   (featured release) ESL 2005 3:50
The Starseeds Gobi Underwater There is Enough for Everyone Millenium 2000 6:54
Noiseshaper Dunk The Signal Different Drummer 2003 6:00
Lisa Walker Ocradrift (Turtledub Remix) Mana Medicine CyberOctave 2003 10:08
– end of set –
0717.5: artist song title album title label year length
Insanity Sect Late Night Two A.D. Waveform 1995 5:04
Steven Cragg Hare' Hare' EnTrance New World 1999 8:20
TJ Rehmi Lone Rider The Warm Chill Dharma Moon 2004 8:36
Prem Joshua Shiva Moon (Moon Nectar Remix) with Maneesh de Moor Dakini Lounge White Swan 2003 8:14
#0717 end