Playlist for Program #1413

(scheduled airdate 30/Mar/14)

1413.1: artist song title album title label year length
Govinda There Was Evolution Sound Sutras Intentcity 2007 3:20
Pole Umbrella (version) Pole Mute 2003 4:42
Gaudi Ayahuasca Deep Fall Remixes (EP) Interchill 2007 5:48
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1413.2: artist song title album title label year length
Ryuichi Sakamoto In the Red Playing the Piano/Out of Noise  (featured release) Decca 2010 5:17
Stress Assassin Oven Carrier Track Dub Mission 2010 5:23
Sounds From the Ground Afterglow The Maze Waveform 2010 7:16
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1413.3: artist song title album title label year length
Dymons The Emerald Tablets Waveform Transmissions – Volume One Waveform 2007 6:00
Jen Buchert 1000 Miles (instrumental mix) Ice Lounge Jebu 2007 4:00
23 Degrees Dissolving Essence of Dub (last laboratory edit) An Endless Searching for Substance Silent 1994 8:25
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1413.4: artist song title album title label year length
Ryuichi Sakamoto Glacier Playing the Piano/Out of Noise  (featured release) Decca 2010 9:14
Third Ear Audio Deep Blue Waveform Transmissions – Volume Three Waveform 2010 8:08
Steve Roach & Mark Seelig part 5 (Electro Indian Mix) Nightbloom Projekt 2010 15:45
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1413.5: artist song title album title label year length
zerO One NaNO ozOne Waveform 2007 5:33
Professor Oz Waves & Sun (Grant Phabao Waves & Skunk Remix) Dub Selector 2 Quango 2002 9:30
Ott Jack's Cheese and Bread Snack Blumenkraft Twisted 2002 12:00
Maitreya Insula .74 Council of Nine 2006 6:09
#1413 end