Playlist for Program #2418

(scheduled airdate 5/May/24)

2418.1: artist song title album title label year length
Chris Zippel Glacier Genuine Horizon Elecktrolux 2007 6:16
Quinn Folding In Secrets From the Whisper Dome Orison 2007 5:24
Achillea Staraja Ladoga Angels Voices Seqouia 2007 4:43
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2418.2: artist song title album title label year length
Xerxes Inhale (featuring Aleah) Waveform Transmissions – Volume One  (featured release) Waveform 2007 7:13
Rhizomorph Bangi Takatifu Xenofilika Neurochemical 2007 5:39
Cobblestone Jazz Change Your Apesuit 23 Seconds !K7 2007 7:35
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2418.3: artist song title album title label year length
zerO One Malfunction ozOne Waveform 2007 6:52
The New Deal Exciting New Direction The New Deal Zomba 2001 5:06
Ryuichi Sakamoto +Pantonal Chasm KAB 2004 3:58
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2418.4: artist song title album title label year length
Warp Factor Asian Star Waveform Transmissions – Volume One  (featured release) Waveform 2007 9:09
The Peaking Goddess Collective Ishtar Organica Peak 2007 9:00
Pitch Black Sonic Colonic Rude Mechanicals Dubmission 2007 9:33
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2418.5: artist song title album title label year length
Tom Middleton Moonbathing Lifetracks Six Degrees 2007 7:40
St Germain Street Scene Jazz Lounge Water Music 2003 7:51
Bullitnuts Heavy Air A Different Ballgame Pork 1998 6:56
Aes Dana Morphologies Max.Chillroom New Land 2007 7:34
#2418 end