Playlist for Program #2029

(scheduled airdate 19/Jul/20)

2029.1: artist song title album title label year length
DJ Cam Meera Mad Blunted Jazz Shadow 1996 5:14
Big Muff Poppy's Song Music From the Aural Exciter Snapt 1998 5:13
Leggo Beast Kayenta Ultimate Chill Out Water Music 2002 4:26
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2029.2: artist song title album title label year length
Green Isac Zu-Puls Etnotronica  (featured release) Spotted Peccary 2004 3:01
Midival Punditz Hold On (Thaarey Rahiyo) Midival Times Six Degrees 2005 5:39
Stargarden Ghosts of Ocean Gardens Ambient Excursions Magnatune 1999 9:13
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2029.3: artist song title album title label year length
A Produce The Golden Needle Slumberland Waveform 1997 6:50
Steve Jolliffe Zanzi Part 7 Zanzi Horizon Music 1996 5:55
Omnimotion Wide Awake Dream Wide Awake Aleph Zero 2006 7:12
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2029.4: artist song title album title label year length
Green Isac Adm. Bulclow Etnotronica  (featured release) Spotted Peccary 2004 5:17
Motor Bass Bad Vibes Source Lab Caroline 1997 6:00
Fila Brazillia Soft Music Under the Stars Pork Chops Kudos 2003 10:04
Tipper Adrift for Days Surrounded MyUtopia 2003 4:43
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2029.5: artist song title album title label year length
Sounds From the Ground Drawn to the Woman Kin Waveform 1996 8:10
Heavenly Music Corporation Octal From Here to Tranquility Vol. 5 Silent 1995 7:56
Gabrielle Roth & the Mirrors (portion) Still Chillin' Still Chillin' Raven 2005 15:14
#2029 end