Playlist for Program #1722

(scheduled airdate 28/May/17)

1722.1: artist song title album title label year length
Michael Shelley In Madcap Attics Fingerpinch 4Tay 1997 3:32
Martin Bottcher Auf Engel Schiebt Man Nicht The Score Jubilee 2003 6:03
Capsula Dice Man A Magical Journey 2 Ajana 2006 6:54
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1722.2: artist song title album title label year length
Ludovico Einaudi In Principio Nightbook  (featured release) Ponderosa Music+Art 2009 2:44
Patchwork Ghostwalk Diorama Spirit Zone 2000 3:08
Evan Bartholomew Soft Spots in the Tyranny of Matter Secret Entries into Darkness Somnia 2008 11:11
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1722.3: artist song title album title label year length
Holger Honda Banana Tribbio Voodoo Roux Deux Waveform 2002 7:20
Last Soul Descendents Lisse Gruv Chillicious Waveform 2006 3:44
The Arthorne Project Pie Oh Pie Dub Plates From the Lamp Caroline 2000 7:52
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1722.4: artist song title album title label year length
Ludovico Einaudi The Planets Nightbook  (featured release) Ponderosa Music+Art 2009 6:29
Kliment Reflexive Meditation The Perpetual Ritual Electrik Dream 2009 8:27
Alex Theory Moon Song Saturn Returns White Swan 2009 6:34
Pitch Black Transient Transmission Waveform Transmissions – Volume Two Waveform 2009 5:48
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1722.5: artist song title album title label year length
Omnimotion Sunbath Dub Omnimotion Waveform 2002 7:55
Torch Song Shine on Me Aurora Mix Toward the Unknown Region N-Gram 1995 7:49
Electric Skychurch Limp Knowoneness Moonshine 1995 6:23
Voice of Eye Drifting Vespers Cyclotron 1994 8:29
#1722 end