Playlist for Program #0641

(first scheduled airdate 8/Oct/06)

0641.1: artist song title album title label year length
Spiral System The Key In Your Dreams Macro 2006 6:22
The Starseeds Parallel Life 2 Classics Millenium 2002 8:06
Nataraj XT Space In… Asian Lounge Putumayo 2005 3:35
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0641.2: artist song title album title label year length
Edward Ka-Spel Hey Rainman (forest friendly mix) Chillicious  (featured release) Waveform 2006 7:33
Professor Trance Inner Horizon Groove Temple Music Mosaic 2002 4:35
Zero 7 Passing By When it Falls Elektra 2004 4:50
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0641.3: artist song title album title label year length
Sacred Spirit Oh Yea Bluesy Chill Out Higher Octave 2003 5:17
St Germain Sure Thing Tourist Blue Note 2000 6:18
Timewarp inc Dub Trop Dub My Funky Groove Timewarp 2005 5:35
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0641.4: artist song title album title label year length
R.O.U.D.O.S. Know Some Things Chillicious  (featured release) Waveform 2006 7:52
Potlatch Deep.. Alone.. A Whale (EP) unreleased 2006 8:16
DJ Cam Meera (Tek 9 remix) DJ Cam Revisited By Recall 2005 4:00
dZihan & Kamien Homebase Freaks & Icons Six Degrees 2000 7:21
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0641.5: artist song title album title label year length
Sounds From the Ground Viper Style High Rising Waveform 2006 7:39
Ooze Restricted Flow Where the Fields Never End Spirit Zone 2001 9:39
Blake C. Cameron Highlands Traveling Without Moving Konvex/Konkav 2000 14:36
#0641 end