Playlist for Program #9109

(first scheduled airdate 28/Feb/99)

9109.1: artist song title album title label year length
Ariel Kalma Serenity Pt.1 Serenity Higher Octave 1989 8:12
A Man Called Adam So You Say Frosty Waveform 1996 5:50
Kevin Yost So Far Away Hi-Fidelity House Imprint Two Guidance 1998 8:47
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9109.2: artist song title album title label year length
Clarence Clemons Into the Blue Forest Peacemaker (featured release) Zoo Entertainment 1995 5:50
Sacred Spirits Heya-Hee Sacred Spirits Virgin 1994 7:30
John Huling Ghost Dancers Spiritlands Novox 1994 3:35
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9109.3: artist song title album title label year length
Harold Budd & Hector Zazou As Fast As I Could Turn Away, She Was Still There Glyph Made to Measure 1995 5:13
James Bong Mr. Kiss Kiss Bong Bong Frosty Waveform 1996 6:38
Trance Groove Paris Paramount Call It Anything 1996 7:26
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9109.4: artist song title album title label year length
Clarence Clemons Miracle Peacemaker (featured release) Zoo Entertainment 1995 9:58
John Robert Waiting for the Sun 3 Steps From Tomorrow Aswini 1992 4:00
Gabrielle Roth & the Mirrors Eliana Totem Raven 1985 4:51
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9109.5: artist song title album title label year length
R. Carlos Nakai Voices Sundance Season Celestial Harmonies 1988 4:30
Peter Buffett The Dream (Pak Punjab Mix) Spirit Dance Hollywood 1997 8:21
Sanjiva You Are That Slumberland Waveform 1997 11:00
#9109 end