Playlist for Program #7112

(first scheduled airdate 23/Mar/97)

7112.1: artist song title album title label year length
Mo Boma Terrace Myths of the Near Future Part One Extreme 1994 3:30
Astralasia Genesis Ambient Extractions (Volume 1) C&S 1995 6:53
23 Degrees Going Fast (Trail Mix) Born of Earth's Torments Silent 1995 9:18
– end of set –
7112.2: artist song title album title label year length
Adiemus Cantus Inaequalis Songs of Sanctuary  (featured release) Venture 1995 3:10
Green Isac Pearldive Happy Endings Eurock 1992 5:35
Deuter Peru Le Peru Call of the Unknown Celestial Harmonies 1986 8:14
– end of set –
7112.3: artist song title album title label year length
Patrick O'Hearn 3 Circles Trust Deep Cave 1995 5:53
Higher Intelligence Agency Influx Colourform Waveform 1995 6:19
Husik & Hannant Promenade Evening at the Grange Astralwerks 1994 4:50
– end of set –
7112.4: artist song title album title label year length
Adiemus Adiemus Songs of Sanctuary  (featured release) Venture 1995 3:54
Global Communication 8:07, 5:23 76:14 Dedicated 1994 13:20
Insanity Sect Late Night Two A.D. Waveform 1995 5:14
– end of set –
7112.5: artist song title album title label year length
Rusty Crutcher Osa Serpent Mound Spring Hill 1996 6:04
Scott Fitzgerald Solar Sea Northern Lights Nature 1990 4:45
Roach, Braheny & Burmer The Breathing Stone Western Spaces Fortuna 1990 6:45
Jonn Serrie Stratos And the Stars Go With You Miramar 1987 10:39
#7112 end